Just add a cooler (hot water is available too).

At one point in our lives, we invented a contraption that can stand alone outside to provide delicious water.  For outside purposes, by the pool, or by a recreational establishment.

Our approach is this

The in-and-out burger approach

As the valley grows to 12 million people in 15 years (the population is now 6 million people in the Phoenix metro AZ area and East Valley AZ area) many people will need delicious drinking water that is safe, affordable, and convenient.

We feel that this program will be influential.

1864 Alkalinity Brochure (azh2o.com)

Here is the premise:

It is very important for the RO tanks and filters to be changed.

Microbiological contamination of drinking water in a commercial household water filter system

F D Daschner 1H RüdenR SimonJ Clotten

Affiliations expand

  • PMID: 8740859


The microbiological quality of filtered water in a commercial water filter system (Brita) was tested in households and in two laboratories. In 24 of 34 filters used in households, bacterial counts increased in the filtered water up to 6,000 cfu/ml. In 4 of 6 filters tested in the laboratory, bacterial counts in the fresh filtrate were higher than in tap water after approximately one week of use both at room temperature and at 4 degrees C, suggesting growth or biofilm formation in the filter material. In some cases, colony counts in the filtered water were 10,000 times those in tap water. The filter material of 5 of 13 new commercial filters was contaminated with bacteria or molds. National or international regulatory agencies should ensure that water filters marketed for domestic use do not allow deterioration in the microbiological quality of drinking water.

Microbiological contamination of drinking water in a commercial household water filter system – PubMed (nih.gov)

If your granular activated carbon filters are not changed and your RO tank sanitized – it will contaminate your drinking water.

We utilize the principle of indubitably exchanging your RO unit and RO tank every year (if you rent a water cooler; we will exchange this every year).  There is no cost for this service.

We also have an extra filter (it’s like an ultraviolet light) that can be added.  This silver-coated alumina media will disintegrate any E.Coli, coliform, or pathogens in your water.

Will Boyett’s family RO unit remove the prescription drugs in our AZ H2O?  Indubitably.

The plan for AZ water treatment facilities is to recycle 90% of your wastewater.  These AZ water treatment facilities are following the same plan as San Diego – put the recycled water back into your drinking water.

Just a thing to think about.

Why does it make more sense to rent an RO unit?  Over a 5-year period; it will save you $904.02.

10 (azh2o.com)

Why does renting a Boyett’s family clarify +Mg higher Ph make more sense?

No E.Coli, coliform, or pathogens in your water

Your water will be delicious

It will be convenient for you

Your water will be safe

It will be affordable

You won’t have a house flood

We feel this might be neglected in our industry:

If your RO filter canisters are over 5 years old; they can crack and flood your home.

The worst story of this – a homeowner had to rebuild their home because of an RO leak (there was black mold).

Boyett’s family installs leak controllers on all of our rental RO units.

No batteries are required.   No electricity is required.

If you don’t properly take care of your rental water treatment equipment; bad things will occur. 

Marina, Honey, and Hawkeye get the credit for helping us develop our alkalinity reverse osmosis concept (we raise the pH between 8-9.5 ‘we can adjust this).

As a principle of life (operating principle) we utilize this creed

The Dutch Bros creed

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

I have been fortunate to be involved with writing two books (here are the beginning of two of the books)

Desire – not only for the select few – 2014

May I please tell you a story about my founder Pop; my grandfather’s 1963 Ford and about their involvement in Boyett’s family water treatment advancement and development?

Dear Dale and Annetta:

Katrina had taped some Merle Haggard records for me to listen to on the way home from Texas.  On one of them is a song entitled “In the Good Old Days When Times Were Bad”.  He grew up in the labor camp of California and our life was a picnic compared to what he describes.  But there are two lines in the song that depict my thoughts of the “good old days” so perfectly:

No amount of money could buy from me the memories I have of then

No amount of money could pay me to go back and to do it again.

Annetta and I are so extremely lucky to have you, Dale, and Nadine who are willing to exert so much effort to make a gathering special.  Thanks for all the hard work and planning.

Last night as I drove in I wished that I could write a letter right then while my mind was on “the good old days”.  It seemed as though I’d been in a different world.  It seemed as though it had taken those several days last week to “shift down” and get my mind zeroed in.  Then it was perfect.  I had all day to think about it in the atmosphere of Daddy’s pickup.

I wondered if Annetta would say “No amount of money could buy from me the memories I have of them”.  Dale and I had such things as: spraying mesquites with Daddy, working calves, riding horses, spending hours swimming in the tank, dogs, hunting skunks with Si and Jap and families, hunting rattlesnakes with Si and Jap and families, Dale working for the highway, Brian working for Tom Moore, combining, the last years of the threshing machine (I ran a bundle wagon Dale had to be around doing something, driving the tractor, Brian drove horses raking hay, hauling hay and cultivating for several years (I doubt if Dale was old enough at the time)  hunting rabbits, fishing, spending time at Si’s and at Jap’s and with Don and Bert, killing hogs (we would scald them in a barrel then pull the 4 wheel trailer in the garage and everybody stood around it and cut meat and made sausage),  helping mother make lye soap, playing in the big barn at Jap’s, going up every Saturday after the mail ran to get Edith or Marza to read the funny papers to us,  burning mesquites, hauling and chopping wood,  shocking feed and grain, stacking feed, getting drip cans and barrels ready for Daddy, Si and Jap to make their middle of the night “runs’, pumping up tires with the old hand pumps, turning the forge blower in the old shop,  fetching the turkeys every night from the Moore’s place,  killing rats at the big barn, etc.

Beginning at Cesco

My father, William Brian Boyett was one of the pioneers in the water treatment industry in the Phoenix Metro area of Arizona.  His companies have provided soft water and reverse osmosis water treatment equipment to residential and commercial clients in the Phoenix Metro area of Arizona and the East Valley.  The purpose of this living historical document is to honor my father and my mother (Roberta Jean Hayden Boyett).  Both people are fine characters and have had a dynamic influence in our water treatment industry and in many people’s lives.   The company they founded 56 years ago: Boyett’s Family Rayne Water Conditioning is still in operation today.  Boyett’s Family is located at 38 East 5th Avenue Mesa, Arizona (azh2o.com).  My name is Brian Hayden Boyett.  I am one of the editors of this historical document and the general manager of Boyett’s Family Rayne Water Conditioning.   I would like to thank all the many people who will be a part of this very important chronicle.   We feel many lives will change (gain great hope for the future) with this success story.

cesco.pdf (rent-a-watersoftener.com)

And an article about my mentor (a mentor to me is there to back you up and help you ‘you don’t pay him for his services to you’).  I have had many.  Lyman Keeling was one of the most profound mentors in my life.

Here is how it begins.

Lyman Keeling; the man, myth and Arizona Old Time Fiddle legend (Pride of the Tennessee Smokey Mountains) – My buddy and mentor

Lyman Keeling was my mentor.  He gave me many palpable great fiddling memories and has had a prodigious influence on my music career and the Arizona Old Time Fiddlers Association; and the music careers of many.

Lyman Keeling; the man, myth, and Arizona Old Time Fiddle legend (Pride of the Tennessee Smokey Mountains) – My buddy and mentor Lyman Keeling was my mentor.  He gave me many palpable great fiddling memories and has had a prodigious influence on my music career and the Arizona Old Time Fiddlers Association; and the music careers of many. (4) I first met Lyman Keeling when he was exiting the stage of an Arizona Old Time Fiddlers Association performance at the Mesa Arizona Tri-City Mall (circa 1976). My mother (Roberta Jean Hayden Boyett) and I stood at the back of the stage to meet this great fiddler and buck dancer (Lyman Keeling).  We found Lyman both congenial and energetic.   Lyman Keeling greeted my mother and me with humility and grace.  I mentioned to Lyman that I had just begun taking violin lessons with the anticipation of playing the fiddle like him (I was about 9 years old at the time).  Lyman unselfishly handed his fiddle to me and said “Here – play me a tune.”  From this point on I was hooked on Lyman Keeling and the Arizona Old Time Fiddlers Association.  Each day I carry both of these institutions in my mind and they both continue to have a great impact at every moment.  Lyman Keeling was not only my mentor – he was my friend and buddy.  Lyman took an active role in the development of my musical career.   Not only did Lyman Keeling encourage me to be a better fiddler – he made me a part of his legacy. Lyman honored me by asking that I perform with him at the City of Mesa Arizona outdoor amphitheater located at Center and University Drive for his last performance.  Danny Smith (famous Arizona fiddler „fiddler at the Rockin R Ranch‟) said to me, “That is appropriate”; he even attended the show.  I think Lyman even paid me for this performance.  Lyman Keeling asked me to perform at the Salt River Project event for retired employees.  He bragged about his tenure ‘as an SRP lineman’  “with this fine organization.” If you were fortunate to be on Lyman Keeling‟ ‘s good side – you were set for life.  I am fortunate to be set for life.  About a year before Lyman passed he asked me to go see some friends for a jam session.  I could not say no to Lyman Keeling – so I acquiesced and attended the Red Mountain Bluegrass Band Jam.  Little did I know I was being recruited for one of the most influential and rewarding positions in my life.  In the recruiting process, I was bequeathed the Lyman Keeling buck dance (Dr. Theo Heap „president emeritus of Mesa Community College‟ arranged this and formalized this in a written document). (5)  Dr. Theo Heap is the founder of the Red Mountain Bluegrass Band.  This kind gesture from Dr. Theo Heap secured me for life as the Red Mountain Bluegrass Band fiddle player.  I played an old-time fiddle hoedown called Leather Britches at Lyman’s memorial service.  Leather Britches was one of Lyman’s favorite fiddle hoedowns.  The version of Leather Britches I perform was taught to me by Michael Rolland (son of Dr. Peter Rolland „my second fiddle instructor and really great friend and collaborator‟).

Lyman-Keeling-Tribute.pdf (azh2o.com)

I have started editing a new book.

The title = scarcity

The cover

To stimulate the economy – we the people must come together to lower our taxes.  If we are required to pay less taxes (we will have more money to spend).  This principle has proven effective in the states that do not require you to pay personal income taxes.

This principle also worked in the Ronald Reagan administration.

The premise

No matter how much or how little (we have a lot in the USA) by applying principles of scarcity to all venues – your life will be more intriguing, you will invent more, you will help more people and you will be happy.

I feel I am qualified to edit this book because I have studied economics and accounting in school (In high school with Bob Cox at Corona Del Sol High School in Tempe, AZ, and with Dr. Ralph Smith at Arizona State University, Tempe AZ) and I apply these principles to our business and my life.  By learning from Art Laffer (listen to his Hillsdale College lectures) I have some important information to share with you.


At Boyett’s family water treatment, we know a lot about a little (we thin slice it and shred it and thread it).  Here is the work we perform and where we do it.   

We install whole-house filters that do not require salt or electricity.  This model is popular for restaurants.

Mikey likes it.

Rigatony’s (great food in Tempe AZ).

https://rigatonys.com/ Our company has quarterly safety meetings to remind us to work safely at your home and to drive safely to get there.  We also celebrate important anniversaries.  When you choose to rent a water treatment system from us – you always get the best people in the industry.

Because of our long history and our parents’ legacy, we are fortunate to collaborate with other industry leaders.  We are fortunate to tap into the best knowledge to give you exceptional water that is affordable and delicious.

Recently Don stopped by our town to inspect our fleet and we recorded Sweet Virginia.

Don is very smart in many venues including learning new musical instruments and advising us on how to share our music.  It is his fault that we have a YouTube music channel (we call this our 500 fiddle songs).

Our great computer guy told me:  Hayden, just because you can make videos ‘doesn’t mean you should’.   I still do.

We are one of only two companies that provide portable exchange tank service in the Phoenix metro AZ area and East Valley AZ area.

As we were designing our portable exchange soft water delivery truck.

We are very conscious of the sentient nature of our work at your home.  It is important to us that you feel good about the rental water treatment service you receive from our company.

Since 1966 Boyett’s family has provided the rental portable exchange soft water treatment service (we always will).  Our company structure is designed around this concept (the people, the processes, and the trucks).

Portable Exchange Tank Service – Boyett’s Family Water Treatment (azh2o.com)

We are an award-winning company.

We have my parent’s water treatment service award displayed in our office.

We are very proud of my parents (and we seek to honor them with our rental water treatment work cleaning up your AZ H2O).

We will always put our best foot forward and be on our best behavior when working at your home.  I am fortunate to work with the finest people in the rental water treatment industry (I feel).

These are the cities in which we work and what we do when we get there.  We always want you to be able to find us when you search a thing.

Water treatment in Phoenix az

Water treatment companies in Phoenix AZ

Water treatment in Glendale AZ

Water treatment in Buckeye az

Water treatment companies in Buckeye az

Water treatment companies in Scottsdale AZ

Water treatment in Scottsdale AZ

Water treatment in Cave Creek az

Water treatment companies in Cave Creek AZ

Water treatment companies in Coolidge AZ

Water treatment in Coolidge az

Water treatment in Florence az

Water treatment companies in Florence AZ

Water treatment companies in San Tan Valley AZ

Water treatment in San Tan Valley AZ

Water treatment in Queen Creek az

Water treatment companies in Queen Creek AZ

Water treatment companies in Chandler AZ

Water treatment in Chandler az

Water treatment in Gilbert az

Water treatment companies in Gilbert AZ

Water treatment companies in Higley AZ

Water treatment in Higley az

Water treatment in Tempe AZ

Water treatment companies in Tempe AZ

We will treat your animals with respect and care when at your home.  We love all creatures great and small.

Our stray cat Bossy helps us get through each day.

I feel that we are humble people, we are grateful people, and we will work hard and effectively for you.  Thank you for your trust in us.

Respectfully, Hayden Boyett

Text is best 602.291.4157


Here is an article about our company’s history:


My final words today.

Why should you rent a water softener for 0.99 cents a day (for one person) rather than purchase a water softener?

By renting a water softener from the Boyett’s family – we exchange this unit every 5 years (free).  We keep you $1,494 ahead.

10 (azh2o.com)

Here are some different water softeners we repair (we are qualified to service these):

Hague water softeners

B and R Industries water softeners

br industries water softeners

aqua science water softeners

Culligan water softeners

Kinetico water softeners

Rayne water softeners

Clean and pure water softeners

jb distillers water softeners

advantage pure flow

budget water softeners

Complete Water Systems LLC water softeners

Crystal Tech Water softeners

American home water softeners

LifeSource Water Systems water filters

Complete Water Systems water softener

Desert Mountain Water 

Soft Water Plus

High Peaks Water Services


Clear Choice Water

Advanced Water Systems

Sweetwater Systems Of Arizona

North Valley Water Solutions LLC

International Filter Water Treatment

Water Treatment Technologies


H2o Concepts International Inc

Charger Water Treatment Produ

Great AZ Water

Allegiance Water Services

Ameriflow water softeners

Envirotech water softeners